Lake Norman Dock Builders, Pier Builders, Docks, Boat Lifts, and Pile Driving

Used Lift for Sale

We currently have this used 7500 pound lift for sale. It’s currently set up for two jet skis, but the bunks can be moved to fit a boat as well. The remote and hardware are included in thus purchase. Priced at $5,000, contact us today for more information!

Boat Lift for Sale

We have a used 10,000 pound boat lift for sale with bunks set up for a wake boat. It comes with a remote and all the hardware. Priced at $6,000, contact us for more info!

Boat Lift for Sale

We have a used 10,000 pound US boat lift for sale. It has bunks on it for a tri-toon, and set at a great price of $7000. Please contact us for more information!

The Perfect Pass

When you’ve been working on Lake Norman for 24 years like I have, you’ve pretty much seen it all. My goal here is to raise awareness about safety and etiquette on the lake. If we all aimed for the perfect pass, we could all be happier.

The worst is when we’re working, and a boat comes by the dock we’re on with their boat plowing. This puts off a terrible wake. Then, they’ll go back and forth as if it doesn’t make it significantly harder to work in those conditions.

Next, I want to touch on the big cruiser boats that don’t idle or go fast. Instead, they plow through the lake putting off this huge wake. This is inconvenient and unsafe for everyone around them.

Now onto inter tubers which are some of the most dangerous people on this lake. They put their riders and everyone else around them in serious danger. You can see them doing crazy turns crossing other boaters wakes and driving recklessly on the lake. You will see these people doing turbulent figure eights in a cove will cause significantly more waves than if a wake boat went down the same cove making the perfect pass. This does the most damage to the docks and shorelines. This also creates destroyed, rough water throughout their whole path. The difference between these people and wake boaters is the innertubes don’t wait for anyone to pass before continuing on their turbulent paths.

I’ve found that the surfers and wakeboarder are usually a blessing to the lake! Traveling at steady speeds while the drivers try to create a steady, smooth, straight pass. The surfers and wakeboarding captains’ goal is to do what it takes to create the perfect pass. Straight, steady, and not crossing other boaters or paths. The wake boat community is constantly being out in danger from all the careless boaters doing 30mph while following a boat doing about 11mph with a rider right behind. The boat behind going 30mph has NO BRAKES which would cause terrible damage to the rider if they hit them when they fell. I’d also like to touch on the jet skis that cross directly behind boats over and over in an attempt to jump their wake. They don’t have any care in the world about the danger they put the rider they’re following in.

In closing, I believe due to my profession and lifestyle, I would say with no doubt the wake boat community is the most respectful and least dangerous. They also do the least amount of damage to the shoreline and docks on the lake.

Bunk Conversions

When planning your ideal lift, we have to take into consideration what bunk conversion will best suit your boat.

V-Hull Boats

A standard lift will come with bunks equipped to fit any v-hull boat. Examples of these are Chapparall, Criss Craft, Cobalt, etc. These types of boats won’t require us to do any conversions in order to fit your boat. The lift below is a great example of a low profile lift with the bunks in their standard position.

no bunk conversions

Wake Boats

When we get into surf/wake boats, lifts will need to be altered in order to ensure a safe fit. Examples of these boats are Natique, Tige, Mastercraft, Centurion, Axis, etc. In most cases, we need to raise the bunks further off the bottom beams due to the way the bottom of these boats are made.  Since the motor is inside the boat instead of on the back, the propeller is on the bottom of the boat. Most wake boats also have skags on the middle of the bottom of the boat. These help to guide it through the water. Both of these pieces being on the bottom would cause issues when pulling your boat onto the lift if we didn’t raise the bunks. In the video below, you can see how this wakeboard sits up above an average boat height when on a lift.

Pontoon Boats 

Another bunk conversion that might be necessary is for a pontoon boat. The first thing to consider when doing this is whether you will need two or three bunks. Most boat dealerships will recommend you to get three bunks for warranty purposes if your pontoon has three logs. However, in our experience, we’ve seen that you can support almost any pontoon using just two bunks as shown below.

pontoon bunk conversion

We can add these conversions to an existing lift to fit your new boat, or put them on a brand new lift upon installation. Contact us today!

Low Profile Lifts

Low profile lifts are our most popular seller. These lifts are best fit onto fixed docks like the one shown below. These are ideal because you get all the benefits of a lift with a sleeker look. The I-beams, the long metal pieces on each side, will be at the perfect height for stepping on to get into your boat. These specifically make it easier for anyone to get into the boat instead of having to step over a big gap of water. Keep reading to learn about our different upgrades to take your new lift to the next level.

Low profile lift

A lot of decisions go into planning these high quality lifts. You’ll first be able to decide between round or square pillars. We will drive them into the ground to ensure a safe and secure lift. We then have to take into consideration the type of boat that will be going onto the lift. This will determine what kind of bunk conversion we need to plan for to ensure the best fit. The bunks are the pieces in the lift that hold onto the hull of your boat, so it’s important that we plan for the correct set up. We will also need to determine the weight of your boat to find the best lift weight limit. We must consider gas tank capacity, held water, possible ballast, etc. These factors make it more sensible to size up when choosing a lift. Once you have all this set up, we offer custom fabricated I-beam covers which make getting into your boat even easier. These sit right onto the area you can use as a stepping stone into your boat. Contact us today to get your dream lift!

low profile lift

Overhead Lifts

One of the first things to consider when choosing a lift is what kind of dock you’ll be applying it to. If you have a floating dock, an overhead boat lift is the best option for you. With I-beam height being the biggest difference between the types of lifts, it’s important to have the right type of lift for your dock. As you can see in the media below, this system will feature I-beams that’ll sit above your head.

Overhead boat lift with boat

If your dock is not already equipped, we will drive four pillars into the ground to properly secure the lift. You will get to chose between square or round pilings. The next thing to consider is what type of boat you will be putting on the lift.  This will determine what kind of bunk configuration your overhead lift has.  We will also need to determine what weight limit lift to install.  When determining the proper weight limit of lift to use, we must consider the gas tanks’ capacity, held water, added weight, etc.  All these variables make it more sensible to size up when purchasing a lift.

overhead boat lift no boat

As you can see above, an overhead lift still leaves enough space for everyone boarding to hop on. Some find these I-beams inconvenient as opposed to an option that is at feet level. However, It’s best to get the lift that fits your dock and boats’ needs best. For more information, feel free to contact us!

Kick off Summer Right with Fox Docks

Are you ready for fun on the lake? Fox Docks can help you kick off summer right! Contact us to plan your waterfront playground.


pier, with stainless hand rail and I.P.E

upper dock, with stainless hand rail

Upper Dock, hand rail view


Dock stair system

Race city marine

We are so excited our great frineds are crossing the finish line with the NEW Nautique dealer ship. great things are happening on Lake Norman N.C be sure to check them out.

Fixed Dock reasons

If your lake front property is in a high wind, wake, and high traffic area, then a fixed dock and pier is the best application. The fixed dock and pier offers a nice step down docking system. The platform leads into the water instead of a muddy beach and allows easy access to your boat lift. Our fixed dock and pier also has a nice tin or shingle roof to protect your boat from environmental wear. The pier can have handrails along the sides including, Vinyl with pickets, wood split rail systems, wood and picket systems. More options for handrails are the same decking we used on your project, can be installed as handrails.

Understanding the boats

Surf boats such Nautique ,Malibu, Centurion , supra and master craft are changing Lake Life permanently when talking to a customer we constantly here how I have been on the lake for 30 years but they don’t understand the demand for surf boats and why they are so popular and this has a direct IMPACT on why customers and docks have to change. We have been sponsoring all the surf and wakeboard competitions for many years and have a full understanding of the demand. My good friend @ Race city marine will tell you about the great designs of the boats and how his customers are making purchases from $150,000.00 to possibly $300,000.00 to MAKE a WAVE ! I would recommend you take that in and understand why you have no choice but to purchase a Fixed Docking system on Lake Norman. We would like to help you also understand how these Dock Building designs can also be more inviting and much safer and easier to use for all ages.

What’s a stacked Dock

stacked dock A stacked dock is a structure that has short piling supports installed. Then, the frame of the dock is stacked and built on the top of these short support pilings. The stacked dock is also the cheaper and less sturdy way to build a dock. The stacked dock cost less to build and the cost should be reflected in the estimate along with the piling length that is to be installed. On a stacked dock you will not see pilings in your estimate that are 30ft-50ft long. If a stacked dock is the same price as the proper fixed dock you should beware. The correct piling length is not installed to a stacked dock and this disables the structure from having a complete structurally sound vertical system. It is very crucial to have the most sturdy construction possible in such volatile elements on Lake Norman. Docks are out in the open and subjected to a lot more elements than our homes like full wind and waves. Breaks in a frame of the structure will lead to premature sagging, warping, leaning, a danger of blowing down in a storm, and eventually total failure. A stacked dock does not require a full sized pile driver, the specialized machinery used to build a proper fixed dock. If your builder does not have the proper full sized machinery for the job imagine all the other short cuts you’re unaware of. This is a huge problem on Lake Norman that we want all lake owners to be aware of. The stacked dock is not at all the same as a proper fixed dock. Stacked docks to the untrained eye are very noticeable with bends and crooked leaning structures.

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A boat dock is more than just a DOCK

There are simple thoughts sometimes about how a boat dock is just a DOCK but it’s so much more important than that. There are in depth factors that effect your dock choice including the elements like wind, turbulent water, boat traffic, possible permitting restrictions, and water depth to name a few. Figuring out what direction to go with you dock can be difficult. You could also want a unique lake front design. The size of your boat plays a role in the positioning and over all design of your dock. An important factor to remember is that your dock effects the total value of your lake property. Whether you want to sell your lake property in the future or decide to give the property to your family the dock is very important. There are so many thoughts and decisions to work through with your dock.

A dock is NOT just a DOCK because it’s going to be a place where you and your family and friends share amazing lake memories. On your dock you not only board your boat to your next lake adventure but swim, play in the water with your family and friends, possibly launch your paddle board, kayak from, or fish. Other activities could include your kids or grandkids learning how to swim from your dock or dive for the first time from your dock. You could catch a big one fishing from your dock. These are all precious times you will treasure. That’s what lake living is all about! Your DOCK is a very important piece to get away from it all and enjoy real quality time with the people you love and the serenity of being in such beautiful nature. For these reasons alone having a lasting high quality structure is very important.

Fox Docks your custom boat dock builder is available to talk with you anytime about your dock vision and can walk you smoothly through the entire process. YOUR BOAT DOCK WILL NEVER BE JUST A DOCK TO US!

Certified Divers


Did you lose something very valuable in the Lake? Is your boat unfortunately at the bottom of the lake? We can help! Fox Docks has certified divers with experience in locating and retrieving your lost valuables. Whether you’ve lost your wedding ring, your boat, your cell phone, or anything that would go plop and sink to the bottom of the lake we can help you get it back.

Our divers at Fox Docks can also help with any underwater work that needs to be done like piling removal and underwater structural work. We can help you resolve underwater issues that are normally too hard to get to.

Diver down

Used Hydrohoist 6600 ul2

Hydrohoist 6600 lb

6600 ul2 boat lift

This Used Hydrohoist 6600 ul2 BoatLift is for a pontoon boat or V hull ski boat an will fit typically up to a 23′ ski boat or a 25′ pontoon. The lift is for sale for $4,500.

4000 lb econo boat lift

This Used 4,000 lb econo boat lift is in working condition This Boat Lift is for sale for $900.

Used Floating Dock / Hydrohoist 6600 lb lift for sale

floating dock

Great Floating dock for sale. This Floating Dock is about 10 years old with the new style Formex black encapsulated flotation. This used floating Dock comes with the 5′ wide decking from a 70′ pier the decking is Broc doc vinyle decking and is held down by an aluminum clip strip so no screws are shown. The dock can be a package deal there is a 6600 lb hydrohoist Ul2 boat lift that is set up for a pontoon boat.

Fox Docks’ “CATFISH”

To any of you unfamiliar with MTV’s show “CATFISH” it’s a show about Nev and Max meeting with and exposing people on the internet that are pretending to be other people by creating fake social profiles. They help the victims meet and confront these bad people. The victims find out that the bad people are using these profiles to draw in unsuspecting people in order to emotionally break someone down, humiliate them, swindle things from them, and ruin the victims life. On the business front there is an alarming trend of individuals fronting as businesses doing the same thing. No matter who you are and what business you see on the internet you need to do a lot more research about a business outside of their internet presence. There are businesses that say they are honest and paint a perfect picture of what you think they do but they are using other businesses pictures and content on their website. These people posing as a business make up all their business information beyond the stolen pictures and content. This needs to serve as a warning to everyone that these people are moving into towns everywhere across America. We all need a business “CATFISH” show to come in and expose these people and businesses for who they truly are. They are FAKES and thieves who will eventually be caught and sued for millions of dollars because of their theft and the misrepresentation using other companies copyrighted pictures and content. It would be ideal to be informed by a TV show of what business websites are totally made up and stolen from others but until then here is an informative action plan you can used to protect yourself from doing business with bad and fake people on the internet.

1. Does the business website have real pictures of their work on their website? If so can I go to that very location and see it? A person who has another businesses picture will not be able to actually take you to the job. They will dodge the question and will not take you to the job pictured on their site.

2. Does the business have online reviews? Can I meet the person who reviewed them? Can I validate this person is a real review? If the company you are working with is good and honest they do not have fake reviews that they paid someone to do fraudulently. Their reviews and references can be contacted and met with face to face within your area.

3. Is the business that you are doing business with have their name registered with the county they do business in? Someone could call the county register of deeds to find this out. If they aren’t registered this means they are also not paying taxes. This is unpatriotic and illegal. You do not want to do business with someone who is a criminal.

4. If the business owner moved to your area from another state what business name was the owner’s business in the other state? Can you find the business in the other state? Why did the business owner move to your area? If a business is doing well in an area they would not move. Also If the business owner changed his business name why?

5. Does the business you are interested in pay to be on the top of Google searches, show up as an ad, or can you simply find their information when searching? If a business has to pay for an ad through google then this means they are new to the google search, a new business, do not have strong enough material on their site to stand a part from others, google also see duplicate copied information and honors the original source. Furthermore, the business does not have enough customers hitting their site. They are not popular and sought after by anyone. You should never trust a company that has to pay to be in the search results on your phone, tablet, or computer. Good companies that are reputable don’t pay ads to be on top. They have earned their spot on the internet by being a great company where their customers are happy and the products they produce speak for their selves.

6. Make sure to check facebook, twitter, and instagram to validate the authenticity of the business you are considering. Most real businesses have these social outlets for information that is updated at least every week. You don’t want see one post here or there. Sometimes these sites can also have pirated information so be aware.

7. Is the business your considering associated with other local businesses in the community and referred to by other local businesses? A good business is part of the community and gives back to the community. Fox Docks, our company, donates to the Red Bull “Wake the Lake” on Lake Norman, the Supra Pro Wakeboarding Tour, and our local schools. We are directly associated with lots of Race City Marine in Mooresville NC and Icy Wakes Surf Shop in Cornelius NC. A bad business will not have a presence in the community.

8. Trusting only a businesses website cannot be the only thing you look at to determine what business you do business with. Also, reviews can be purchased from website design companies who specialize in posting fake reviews and writing fake content. Search engine optimization is a business within itself. Do some research you will find companies on the internet that do this very thing. There are people who do it as a job and don’t care that it is misleading to other people. Also, the bad business owners are fully aware that they are paying someone to post misleading information about their company. That is simply dishonest, bad character, and terrible work ethics.

Final words, When dealing with the internet anything illegal and deviant is possible. There are people on the internet using it for bad and for ways to rob from and hurt people. We have all come accustomed to our technology but need to remember that we need to be guarded in our decisions due to the “CATFISHING” that is going on throughout the internet today. Good luck and hope this blog helps someone see through the fake front that exists on the internet.



Used boat slip / Dock

We have a Used Boat slip / Dock with black dock rubber and 2×6 wood decking it has a 24′ x 10′ Boat slip the dock has 5′ fingers and a 5′ main. This Dock is in great condition with excellent flotation and metal telescopic pipes for easy installation. It also comes with 20′ x 4 ‘ ramp.  This dock does not need any work !! other then a simple pressure washing

This used dock is a must see a little pressure washing and staining the dock will be like NEW !

$ 4,000.00

Mooresville Used boat slip

Used Jet ski lift

We have 1 Used Jet ski lift it is a doozie single pole jetski lift with remote it is in great working order.

Used jet ski lift   $1,000

Uninstall             $400.

Reinstall              $500

Pile driving ? This depends were on Lake Norman the new installation will be? $20 per foot labor +cost of pole.Used Jet ski lift

Used Boat lift aluminum and stainless

We have a Alumavator Cable Used Boat Lift in great condition ,it is a direct drive boatlift with remote and stainless motors this lift will carry a 6,000 lb boat. This aluminum cable boatlift does have a optional aluminum cat walk for an additional price. We can disasemble, move, and reinstall this lift for additional pricing.

Alumavator 6,000 lb Cable Boat Lift $3,000

Removal                                        $600.

25′ poles driven into the lake bed    $1,300

new install                                     $600.

cat walk                                         $500.

Bost Lift

Cable Boat lift

Dock , Boat lift and metal roof

Dock , Boat lift and metal roofWe have a used floating dock with a 4500 lb. econo boat lift for sale. This lift and dock are in good working order the boatlift and floating dock w/roof are approximately 14 years old. we are asking 2,500 . We can help with moving the dock to its new location and could also install it if needed.

Boat Slip for sale

Boat Slip for sale

I have a Great Boat Slip for sale that is approximately 8 to 10 years old .This Boat Slip for sale we are replacing with a fixed dock due to rough water the Used Boat Slip for sale needs minor work and to simply needs to be moved to an area that in not as rough . I am asking $5,000

Boat Slip for sale

Used Jet ski lifts

Used Jet ski lifts 1,200 for both

I have  #2 Used jet ski lifts for sale they are Hydrohoist jetski lifts  . They are in great condition and will lift most jetski’s

photo 2 photo 3

Used Boat slip/dock for sale

Used Boat slip for sale 3,500 firm

package deal with poly lift $6,000

I have a Used Boat Slip for sale it will fit a 22′ boat . It has all new flotation and is in good shape if you also want the Boat lift it can be a complete package for $6,000 . These items are in great condition and need only some new stain for the wood that has already been cleaned and prepped for stain.

Boat Slip sipes

Econo Boat lift 4,500 lb. $1,000.00

Econo- Boat lift 4,500 lb.  $1,000.00
I have a great econo boat lift set up for a pontoon boat. this lift is about 8 years old and will hold up to 4,500 lb pontoon boat or can be converted for a regular boat application.

Boat lift

Pontoon Boat lift

Econo Boat lift controler

Econo boat lift controller

Used Jet Ski’s and PWC for Sale

Where could there be a better place to sale or buy a jet ski then on a site that builds and installs docks and lifts for you’re toy’s.

Boats for sale

Boats for sale…Where could find a better place to sale or buy a boat than on a site of a company that builds and installs docks and lifts for your toys?

New Dock supplies

Here you can sale any new dock supplies or slightly used dock and pier supplies. This includes anything related to docks, piers, handrails, pilings, floatation, dock rubbers, decking etc..

Used Dock supplies

Here you can sale any used dock supplies you might have that directly relate to Piers, and Pile driving.

Fixed Docks vrs Floating Docks… What’s the right choice for me?

Fixed Docks vrs Floating Docks….When making the important choice of a fixed dock or a floating dock there are some really vital things to consider.

First, you need to know the difference between a fixed and a floating dock. A fixed dock consist of a pier and a boat slip that is secured in place on top of marine grade wood pilings that are driven down into the lake bed. On the fixed boat slip there is typically one side that features a three platform step down system that allows easy access to your boat or you could step right off for a swim without worrying about making a mess of your new dock and pier. A floating dock is a pier with a ramp that leads to a boat slip or a platform that has floatation installed under it to float on top of the water. The floating structure is tethered into place with wood or metal pilings that are driven into the lake bed.

Second, you need to think about what you want your dock to be used for. A fixed dock is a sound structure that can have many uses beyond simply boarding and unloading your boat. A fixed dock can be an area where you can also add a seating area where you could have a table and chairs to entertain guests, install a roof and ceiling fan for comfort, place a hammock for a nap, or go all out and set up a wet bar with custom cabinets and a full entertainment system. A fixed dock also has the ability to tether other boats to it if you have company drop by. A floating dock with a slip is a good area to park a boat inside on a slip and can also accommodate other boats on the outside areas of the slip. It can be a good hang out spot if you don’t mind feeling like you are at sea all day long. Throughout the years floatation can become a problem where it becomes water logged and has to be removed and replaced with new. The dump bill for the old floatation can be very costly. Other problems with the floating dock is the noise it makes as oncoming waves envelope it. There are splashing sounds, banging sounds, and squeaking sounds that come from the floating slip and it piling guides hitting the pilings that are holding the floating structure into place.

Third, what kind of budget do you have for your new dock? Well surprisingly a fixed dock and a floating dock cost about the same amount of money. Marine construction companies may try to tell you a floating dock is cheaper than a fixed dock but this is simply not true. When you choose a fixed dock you will get more for your money because floatation is very expensive it takes up a good bit of the project costs if you choose a floating dock.

Fourth, How long do you want your dock to last? A fixed dock typically can last a lot longer than a floating dock due to the fact that there is no floatation that will become water logged and there is no violent movement jarring the structure every time a wave, wind storm, or boat traffic are in the vicinity of the dock. A floating dock last 10-16 years and a high quality fixed dock can last up to 40 years.

Fifth, Would a floating dock or a fixed dock be better suited for your lakefront property? What’s your full pond water level and low table water level? Lake water level is a huge concern with considering a fixed dock or a floating dock. A floating dock does rise and fall depending on the fluctuating lake level. Before you decide to get a floating dock make sure your depth is at least 8ft of water at full pond where the floating slip or floating platform is located. Below 8ft your floating dock will be sitting on the lake bed when the water recedes. Another thought beyond this is that if you decide to have an air boat lift installed you will need at least 12ft of water at full pond under your floating dock or your boat lift will be ruined. When thinking of a fixed dock in concerns to your lakefront property it is a pier that you walk straight out onto and descend down the three platforms. One platform and set of steps is usually underwater at full pond and will be visible once the water recedes. Fixed docks with their step down platforms accommodate for the fluctuating lake water levels. On fixed docks cable boat lifts are installed and suspend your boat by cables that are extremely long and can reach down to lower lake levels to release your boat in the water. With a fixed dock 7ft of water at full pond is enough depth for you boat to successfully maneuver in and out of the lift. Another consideration is Where is your lake property located on the lake? Is it in a high boat traffic area or high wind and wake area? Is it tucked back into a calm cove? These are very important things to consider before choosing between a fixed dock or floating dock. If you are in a high boat traffic area or high wind and wake area the best choice is a fixed dock. If you choose a floating dock in this kind of environment it will be an unpleasant experience with problems. You dock will be moving up and down sporadically making all kinds of noises. Who wants to listen to squeaky bangs all evening while trying to relax on their waterfront property? The floatation will go bad and the frames can fracture due to flexing from all the movement. In a calm cove situation the floating dock could work only if your property is tucked away in an area where the wind is not bad, boat traffic doesn’t exist, and wakes aren’t a problem.

Sixth, How much customization do I want to do on my dock? Whether you choose fixed dock or a floating dock there are many possible customizations. On a floating dock you could have a seating area constructed as a stationary part of the pier where you could have wrap around bench seating and a roof. On the floating dock metal ladders can be installed for the ability to get out of the water after a swim. A special swim platform can be installed to the floating dock where it can be lowered down into the water and raised once you are done using it for swimming. The swim platform would be a great set up for you to hang out and swim with your dog or to swim with your children. Dogs and kids love to jump off the platform into the water. The platform could also ease access to the water for someone with limited mobility. Bench storage, closet storage, and roof storage can be added to any dock system. When considering a fixed dock and customizations keep in mind that a seating area or any addition to it can take place anywhere from the pier to the farthest point out on the water, which the farthest point out on a dock is the best view of lakefront especially if you’re out on a point on a main channel. One main customization on the fixed dock is the three step down platforms. These are designed to help with easy boat access for you, your kids, or your animals. It is also a great structural set up for getting in a out of the water for a nice swim without tracking mud or dirt from area lake substrate onto your new dock and pier. There are many types of handrails available for application on your dock and pier. They include a simple pressure treated wood split rail system and also pressure treated wood handrails with wood pickets. Others handrails offered are vinyl handrails with picket that are white or khaki colored. Also Veka decking can be used for a split rail system or to top off a vinyl system. There are aluminum balusters available for handrail pickets and also a wide variety of copper, stainless steel, and wood handrail post caps. If you prefer a more beachy scene for your dock and pier you can choose to go with marine grade braided nautical rope that is installed through handrail posts on each side of the pier. As you can see there are many customizations available to choose from.

Finally, whatever your choice may be a fixed dock or a floating dock the thoughts above are very important to think about before you make your decision. A good marine construction company should have no problem with talking through whichever direction you want to take. Remember it’s your decision.

Boat lifts for sale !!

Please feel free to login and list your Boat lifts for sale, jet ski lift, cable lifts, and any other type of dry docking system for boats or jet skis.

Sale Your Used Docks !!

Here you can sale your used docks, boathouse, boat slips, floating units, and used flotation.

Fixed dock

This fixed dock is a turn key project with a lot of custom additions. All decking used is Veka deck pro the picture frame decking definitely makes this project unique. The hand railing is Veka VI Pro railing. There are two Tide Tamer boat lifts the 10,000 lb is used for the boat and the 5,000 lb lift has been modified to be used with two jet skis with aluminum cat walks for easy and safe access to the second jet ski. This project is definitely a one of a kind project that is unlike anything found on Lake Norman. Custom features that your won’t usually find on a dock and pier on Lake Norman is the two cold weather heaters installed up into the roof of the seating area, a ceiling fan for comfort, along with complete audio and video controls to and from the house. This fixed dock is fully equipped with low voltage led lighting on the Veka hand rails along with all underwater lighting. This lighting is all low voltage energy efficient lighting. Also, please take notice of the one of a kind roof posts trustin columns that match the columns on the customer’s home.

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