Lake Norman Dock Builders, Pier Builders, Docks, Boat Lifts, and Pile Driving
“Started this company 18 years ago with my wife Wendy, we have been doing this for 23 years. I love Lake Norman; I am very passionate about my work. I grew up in Southern California, so surfing and water is what I love to be around. Very proud of where I am!!”
“Wife of Brooke. I grew up on a farm in North Carolina, I love what I do, I take care of the billing, and I keep up with the customers and get us most of the business for our staff. I am so proud of how far we have come; I wouldnโt change a thing.”
“Son of Brooke & Wendy. I am a handworker; I think of myself as a perfectionist. I am head of the welding, fabrication, and quality control that we do here. My goal at the end of the day is to make a family happy, sitting on their dock with the best view.”
“Daughter in-law of Brooke & Wendy. I was born and raised in North Carolina; I am a very passionate hard worker. I order all of the materials we need to get the job done. Such as, paint and decking. I just graduated from APP state and ready to continue my journey/education. I honestly love working outside.”